Active Amateurs Radio Group

We’re just a group of folks who love Ham Radio. That’s it.

Donating our time to promote amateur Radio is what we are about. Teach, encourage, mentor, ‘Elmer’ (as we hams call it). Our Mission has been clear from the start.

Our Club/Group callsign is KK4ZBE. 


Active Amateurs Radio Group uses W5YI-VEC as our Amateur License processor. Our exams are sent electronically directly to W5YI-VEC and are processed into the FCC ULS database.

Whether its your first ham license or an upgrade, AARG can help. 

Our VE’s (Volunteer Examiners) have over 75+ years combined experience. 

Everyone hates tests, that’s natural. Eveyone loves the feeling of passing that test, whatever it may be. Let us guide you to passing that radio exam. 

Ham Radio operators come from all walks of life, well to do, and just barely making it. Both have the curiosity for radio, to communicate with others. Some enter ham radio for emergency services. But most enter ham radio for fun. 

Whatever your reason for being here today, the Active Amateurs Radio Group would like to be along for the ride with you.  We just love Ham Radio. That’s it.