You need an FRN# from the FCC for your exam!


Please READ below, you can’t take your exam without this!

If you do not hold any previous FCC licenses, you are required to obtain an FRN number ‘PRIOR’ to your FCC exam.

This FRN number is needed to submit your FCC forms. We can not file any exams without an FRN number.

It’s easy, register with the FCC and get your FRN today from the FCC. It should take about 10 minutes. 

Watch the video to see how! – Write it down, you’ll need it.


The FCC requires an application form 605 to process all Amateur Licenses.

This form can be ‘electronically signed’ online. Our examiners will show you how and walk you thru filling out the form. Our online system will do all the work, you just verify and sign!

We will submit this form to the FCC for you along with your completed exam results.